Step 1A. Locates the middle of the electrical wire and wraps it around the screw.
Step 2B. With adhesive, tape the wire to the screw so that it can hang 'upside down'.
Step 3C. Tape the two threads on the end of the wooden rod, leaving about 30 cm of wire hanging.
Step 4Tape the battery at the end of the stick.
Strips both ends of the electric wire with scissors. Tape the bare part of one of the wires to ont of the battery connector.
Step 5F. Print, glue on cardboard and cut fishes and diverse objects (models to be download in the Blueprints/Plans section)
Step 6In each paper object, make a small slit of about 5 mm and pass a brad pin through.
Fold one of the pin's 'leg' underneath and leave the other one pointing vertically.
Step 7The model is ready to be tested!