Links&References - Vegetable oil stirling engine
Similar projects or which inspired it
A similar Japanese project proposed by martin Our model was based on this Japanese project. It uses a glass syringe in order to limit frictions. To limit costs we used a plastic syringe and a balloon. Our model seems to work with far less heat. |
A robot that works with the same process proposed by martin Many people have tried to create stirling engines with test tubes. Here is another Japanese example of a 'robot'... |
a model much more pro... proposed by martin A video on another project... |
With a piston proposed by martin Another video showing a model with a real piston... |
To know more about the theme
All about the Stirling engine proposed by martin History and techniques by the Stirling Engine Society |
Wikipedia on the Stirling engine proposed by martin Principles, operation, illustrations. |
Eco energy proposed by martin Site of a producer of rapeseed bio-fuels in Etoy, Switzerland. |
What can we expect from biofuels? proposed by martin On its site, Jean-Marc Jancovici explains the issues of biofuels. His conclusion is not optimistic considering the current agricultural production. (in French) |
AFP, Biofuels, the Green alternative proposed by martin Video-animation explaining the pros and cons of biofuels. |
Biofuels Switzerland platform proposed by martin The Swiss Bio-fuel platform promotes sustainable biofuels for transportation services. Under the leadership of the cantonal and federal authorities, this platform aims to inform, communicate, and propose strategies to develop sustainable biofuel solutions. |
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