La plate-forme collaborative de bricolages scientifiques et pédagogiques

Réalisation - thermostatic radiator valve simulator

  • Etape 1

    Draw a cross on the larger wood board. Drill a hole in the center with a 25mm cookie cutter.


    Measure/mark 2.5cm from the bottom of each side of the large wood board.


    Drill and screw the 25cm wood  strips onto the sides of the board. Check if it's at right angle before screwing in the second screw.

  • Etape 2

    At 1.5cm from the ends, drill the two small wood strips with an 8mm bit.


    Start with the square wood strip. Position it and mark the holes in the flat wood strip.


    Then drill the flat wood strip (carefully, to avoid splitting!).

  • Etape 3

    Place one nut on each long screw. Push down until the nut is 2.5cm from the screw head.


    Place the flat list on both screws then add a nut.


    While holding the bottom nut (on the screw head side), tighten the top nut.


    Check that the distance is still 2.5cm. Pass the square list over the two screws, then add a wing nut on each side.

  • Etape 4

    Staple the pvc board on the two side wood strips.

  • Etape 5

    Mark the center of the can base.


    Drill a hole with an 8mm drill bit.


    Start with a punch hole, then cut the top edge of the can with a pair of scissors.


    From the edge cut notches every 1cm.Use a pair of pliers to bend the can's 'crenellations' outwards.

  • Etape 6

    Using hot glue, press/glue two pads into both ends of the straw (5.5cm).Hold firmly so that the pads remain fully embedded in the straw.

  • Etape 7

    A l’aide d’un compas, dessiner sur le carton 3 cercles de 6cm de diamètre.

    Découper précisément les cercles avec une paire de ciseaux et percer le centre d’un des cercles avec une mèche de 8mm.

    Visser un premier cercle sur la paille.

    Du même côté coller à la colle chaude un autre cercle par-dessus.

    Coller l’aimant au centre.De l’autre côté passer le cercle troué sur la paille et le coller sur les deux autres cercles avec de la colle chaude.

  • Etape 8

    Pass the “piston” (straw forward) through the can. Use a screwdriver to push the straw through the hole.


    Check that the “piston” moves freely in the can.Cut a 2.5 cm long piece of skewer.


    Glue it to the wooden pearl with hot glue, leaving about 1cm coming out on one side.


    Press and glue the skewer end into the straw using hot glue.


    Cover the entire surface of the wooden pearl with watertight Teflon tape.

  • Etape 9

    Place the O-ring just above the bottom and center of the tray and mark its center.Carefully drill the center with a 3mm drill bit.


    Deburr the hole if necessary and glue the O-ring with hot glue (avoid getting glue on top of the O-ring).

  • Etape 10

    Cut a disposable cup to a height that allows it to pass under the side wooden strips.

  • Etape 11

    Place a small piece of metal (ex. nut) in the balloon.

  • Etape 12

    Pass the end of the two side wooden strips (on the side of the pvc platform) between the two small lists on the end.


    Tighten the two wing nuts.

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