La plate-forme collaborative de bricolages scientifiques et pédagogiques

Liens&Références - My little turbines

Bricolages similaires ou qui ont inspiré ce bricolage

Project of hydro-electric with gears
proposé par martin
This project is quite complex because it uses the gear to rotate very quickly a small engine using a large turbine.

Turbine and bicycle dynamo
proposé par martin
Experiences of construction of turbine with the use of a bicycle dynamo.

Turbine and wind turbine with spoons
proposé par martin
Pretty projects accompanied by drawings made by students.

Pour approfondir le thème

Fact sheet on wind energy (pdf)
proposé par martin
Sheet A4 double-sided proposed by CRC (Conference of delegates to energy) on their energy site - It presents in a synthetic way the origin and uses of the energy of the wind.

A4 sheet on hydraulic energy (pdf)
proposé par martin
Plug the CRDE (French-speaking delegates to the Energy Conference) with simple and condensed way hydraulic energy.

Principle of operation of the alternator
proposé par martin
Animation in German of the principle of operation of a 'dynamo' and its application in an alternator.