La plate-forme collaborative de bricolages scientifiques et pédagogiques

Réalisation - Printmaking simplified

  • Etape 1

    Cut a small square in the corrugated cardboard.

    Choose the smooth side as the engraving surface.


    Avertissement You can also use the flat part of an egg box lid. This type of cardboard is easier to mark as it is smoother. On the other hand, the engraving is shallower and it is necessary to be pecise when inking.


  • Etape 2

    Place the corrugated cardboard in the center of a self-adhesive plastic sheet.


    Choose the smoothest side of the cardboad to stick on the self-adhesive sheet.


    Cut the corners of the self-adhesive sheet to form tabs and fold them on the back of the corrugated cardboard square.

  • Etape 3

    Turn the square and press the plastic well to be sure it sticks on the entire surface of the corrugated cardboard.


    With a knitting needle (not too pointed) create the drawing by pressing strongly on the plastic surface. Pass several times in the same place to mark the lines well .


    warning because this DIYs project can't produce very fine details, it is important to choose a very simple model (fish, star, sun, house, daisy, etc.)



  • Etape 4

    Soak a piece of sponge in paint (gouache, acrylic) and tap it gently on a piece of paper until you get a uniform layer of paint on the sponge and on the sheet.


    Avertissement If you have a small paint roller (Soft rubber, inking will be even more even and regular.


  • Etape 5

    Tap the spong on the engraving, avoiding to make anly lateral movements which could push paint into the hollow parts of the printing plate.

  • Etape 6

    Place a sheet of paper on the inked plate and press with your hand until the entire plate surface sticks to the paper.


    Carefully remove the sheet of paper to discover your masterpiece.

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