La plate-forme collaborative de bricolages scientifiques et pédagogiques

Liens&Références - Pocket Sundial

Bricolages similaires ou qui ont inspiré ce bricolage

Sundials built using plates
proposé par emmanuelle
A super simple sundial made with disposable plates.

Sundial simulation software
proposé par emmanuelle
Free software to design sundials and astrolabes. It does all the calculations and prints all lines necessary to build your personal sundial.

Pour approfondir le thème

Th British Sundial Society
proposé par emmanuelle
The British Sundial Society was formed in 1989. Its objects are to advance the education of the public in the art and science of gnomonics and the knowledge of all types of sundial

Sundials website
proposé par emmanuelle
Photos of sundials in France and Europe and a selection of links.